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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Holy Yule Log Mrs. Claus! 10 refined for a hat?

We are deep in the middle of Australian Christmas ladies and gents.  Popular items appear to be the Santa beard (All-Father) as well as the Brown Bomber hat.  You will notice we have been updating the sheet slowly with pricing that we verify several times over before it goes up.  Some items have not traded often or do so for prices with high variances.  The strange-festive items are particularly hard to pin down.  We'll put them up as their pricing becomes more definable.  Can you get a Spy-cicle for a scrap from someone?  Maybe, but most people are selling them in the 2 refined range, that's why its listed as such.  Some items are not released yet as well.  The B.M.O.C. is one of them.  When we know more we'll fill you in.  Carry on.  Happy trading. 


  1. why has strange grenade gone down? it is not available as a festive strange; if anything strange stickybomb should've gone down

  2. It really hasn't gone down, it's gone up and around 3 ref is a more realistic price. Noted and updated.
