Vintage Thursday is here. We will choose the winning #'s with's random number generator. The winning #'s will be posted after we have 100 emails. That means the first 100 people who get an email to us each has an equal chance of winning.
Starting now we begin counting emails in our inbox. Send us one email
here with a link to your steam profile (many names have duplicates). Do not send more than one email, I will pay extra attention to this. If you break this rule you won't be able to win this or any other future contest. Tell your friend and maybe he/she will win. Contest details and answers to most of your questions are
here, including our email if you can't click on the link above.
Prizes follow, one per winner:
Vintage KGB (
donated by MAD2000) - #44 won by "E-102 Gammasheep"
Vintage Killer's Kabuto (painted After Eight) - #3 won by "NaturalSPY"
Update: there are enough emails, sending out #'s now...then will give us the 2 winners.
Sorry to take a while. Had some nefarious activity in my inbox. Folks, when I say one email per person I mean it and I will eventually find out. It's not fair to the other participants. End of story.
Congratulations to the winners above and good luck to everyone for the next giveaway! Details are
here. Some of you have asked questions that the answers to are right there in the link, including our email address. Take a moment to read it if you have questions.
Get ready for our big upgrade (finally!) we've been promising for a long time. There will be a number of contests with big prizes, namely Salvaged Crates. Really. Launch is imminent. Lots of better functionality with many of your direct suggestions implemented. Keep checking back.