
Read the new book all about Team Fortress 2 trading and the TF2 Spreadsheet.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Today's key (June 7th) has been won.

Math skillz activate! deltaSEV-FOUR was the first to send us the correct code for today, 11 keys. He successfully answered the question: If Freddy has 14 refined, 16 reclaimed, 42 scrap and 73 scout weapons, how many keys (rounded to the nearest key) can he buy at a price of 2.55 refined metals per key?

The best way to answer this question is to go in reverse. 73 scout weapons is 36.5 scrap, add that to 42 and he has 78.5 scrap total. Divide that by 3 and its about 26 reclaimed plus the original 16 reclaimed and he now has 42 reclaimed total. Divide that by 3 and its about 14 refined, added to his original 14 refined and he now has 28 refined total. Divide 28 by 2.55 and you get 11 keys.

Congratulations to deltaSEV-FOUR for winning today. Good luck to everyone for tomorrow's free key (details if you're just joining us are here).


  1. is it going to keep being questions in posts? or will you actually be hiding more stuff soon?

    1. Maybe more of both. Is that vague enough?

  2. -.- I got 10 keys because I went from ref to weap, and even then I got an error. Now that I saw this more efficient method, I know why it took me so long and where I was wrong. Dang!

    But that was fun. Congrats to the winner!

  3. Well, exact result was 10,947, so he cannot buy eleventh key in any way. Yeah, normally "round it to nearest" wouldn't be questionable, but with such specificaly context it wasn't so pure :(

    1. The exact answer is 11.00217864923747 keys by math alone. In-game Freddy would be able to buy 11 keys total because he would have an odd weapon leftover that would bump his total purchasing power to just over the 11th key. Check your math.

    2. Indeed, I failed. My apologizes.

  4. Darn, the hint post was posted just as I left school! So close!!!

  5. This was the best one yet, only because I could at least see the hit for myself and then figure out the answer. Too bad it was already after the winner had submitted his answer. And, I too got 11 keys..

  6. Ha yeah, I got the answer too . . . I even saw the question 2 minutes after it was posted . . . but I was on the phone. :/

  7. well, people who live in the US have likely an advantage above those, who live in Europe because of the time.

  8. Dude. Why did you trick me D; I thought it was the top part where it says "The NUMERO UNO TF2 Price guide"


  9. Australia, the time when u posted the post, it was 5.10 am :P
