
Read the new book all about Team Fortress 2 trading and the TF2 Spreadsheet.

Friday, June 22, 2012

So how fast can you look up statistics?

We like statistics, and like to use this site to get nerdy on how many Alien Swarm Parasite's there are.  So go to and pay attention to the specifics of each question.  Today's key goes to the person who sends us the right answers to the following questions (and their steam id):

1) How many Genuine Planeswalker Helms are there?
2) How many Vintage items in total in all backpacks are there?
3) How many Vintage Professional's Panama level zero are there?
4) How many Max's Severed Head level 1 are there?
5) How many backpacks have a full set of all 53 Vintage Hats level 69?
6) Which unusual effect is the most common and how many items exist with this effect?
7) What hat/misc available has the highest probability of being crafted in today (random craft)?
8) What hat/misc available has the lowest probability of being crafted today (random craft)?
9) How many Unusual hat and misc items exist as of now?
10) Not stat related, what year did the TF2 Spreadsheet start?

*update: key is won


  1. I guess I was too late... i saw it 6 minutes after posted. Sent it 7 minutes after I saw it. Congrats to winner!

  2. I might actually have a (slim) chance of winning this time...

  3. Crashed Firefox on me, made it rather hard to do.
