
Read the new book all about Team Fortress 2 trading and the TF2 Spreadsheet.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Non-TF2 related: Commandos 3: Destination Berlin free

Just for today, GreenManGaming (via has Commandos 3: Destination Berlin for free.  Requires GMG's client to download, but this is a 2010 game and has decent graphics, and it's for freez!  Link here.

note: there are no codes in this post, just a free game.


  1. no codes? the code IS "free game" !

  2. wow, I literally looked through every item on the spreadsheet, the key sheet, the unusual hat guide, the rest of the page, highlighted and relooked, and i still can't find the code... these random post times are killing me because I don't know if it's actually up or not.... Maybe I should look again... Sigh.

  3. Nope! Chuck Testa! That's the code
